Friday, May 29, 2009

Is America Moving Towards Collectivism?

The purpose of the State in America is to provide protection to its citizens and handle judicial matters, and that is it. The bail outs that the government is handing large corporations is like a basketball player trying his hand at physics, it doesn't work because the knowledge isn't there. Politicians should stick to being good lawyers, not trying to be business men and economists, and that is the central problem involved in government meddling in economic affairs. Save for the FDIC securing the funds of individual Americans, this is pointless. The US government is rewarding irresponsible business practices with large sums of money, and it doesn't make sense. In a free market system, these terrible business men would be punished by losing their businesses, watching them flounder while more competent entities fill the gap in the marketplace the bufoons leave. Taxpayers are footing the bill to maintain these defunct businesses, and I'm tired of money I shouldn't even have to give up being allocated to people who obviously don't know how to handle money. The big government crutch has to be snatched from under the American economy in order for it to truly heal, as opposed to allowing big business to drag itself along with its weight being supported by the American taxpayer.

That being said, I'm not saying that there is some evil conspiracy between the government and these financial institutions, I'm just saying that we need to have a little logic. What ideals about America does the government perpetuate when we reward irresponsibility with even more responsibility? Next thing you know, we'll be bordering on nationalization of private industry just because the government has to step in and bail out these idiots once again. Maybe I'm racing ahead of myself, but thats the future I see coming if we don't allow the business world to adjust itself. The economy works in cycles, any dark times regarding the value of our money and inflation will eventually pass, but we are so quick to go into panic mode we fail to realize we are only encouraging the government using our dollars as caulk to plug sinking ships. A well intentioned mistake is still just that, a mistake

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Individual Sovereignty

10. INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTYFor individuals as well as governments, the only legitimate use of force is in the defense of individual rights -- life, liberty, and property acquired by mutual consent -- against aggression, whether by force or fraud. We believe individuals have the right to ask for help as well as the right to provide help to others in these defenses.The right of defense extends to defense against aggressive acts of government. We favor an immediate end to the doctrine of "Sovereign Immunity" which ignores the primacy of the individual over the abstraction of the State, and holds that the State, contrary to the tradition of redress of grievances, may not be sued without its permission or held accountable for its actions under civil law.
-taken from the Georgian Libertarian site...
Many of the laws imposed by the US Government today violate the individual sovereignty of its citizens. Our rights to privacy, self protection, and economic self determination are constantly being violated in order to maintain an outdated social structure that only benefits big government and those who hold on to its coattails. Government interference in the everyday life of its citizens has caused personal choice issues to be fodder for empty political rhetoric. In all truth, under the US Constitution, the government has no right to legislate morality, and therefore has no place to tell Americans what they can do in the privacy of their own homes, businesses, or houses of worship.

Now, what laws are useless and unfair? Basically, any law that doesn't protect people from abuse or harm is useless. This includes many of our petty drug laws, abortion, gun control and same sex marriage issues. Resources, both intellectual and monetary, are wasted by our judicial system whenever these issues come to light. Not to mention these issues are often used as points of distraction when dealing with bigger problems, such as our failing economy and horrible world image. With that being said, no one is denying the need for the government to stop major gun traffickers, drug lords, and arrest violent criminals, but in trying to punish a minority group the majority is harmed in ways unimaginable, with tax payer dollars going towards punishing misdemeanor and low level felony offenders. Maybe if America's priority was making sure we had a safe society, as oppose to a moral one, the country would be in better shape.

this is my short rant, I'm going to do some research on things and post topics, but I just wanted the world to get the main point of what I'm talking about: individual liberty leads to national freedom, individual oppression will eventually lead us all to enslavement.