Thursday, May 28, 2009

Individual Sovereignty

10. INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTYFor individuals as well as governments, the only legitimate use of force is in the defense of individual rights -- life, liberty, and property acquired by mutual consent -- against aggression, whether by force or fraud. We believe individuals have the right to ask for help as well as the right to provide help to others in these defenses.The right of defense extends to defense against aggressive acts of government. We favor an immediate end to the doctrine of "Sovereign Immunity" which ignores the primacy of the individual over the abstraction of the State, and holds that the State, contrary to the tradition of redress of grievances, may not be sued without its permission or held accountable for its actions under civil law.
-taken from the Georgian Libertarian site...
Many of the laws imposed by the US Government today violate the individual sovereignty of its citizens. Our rights to privacy, self protection, and economic self determination are constantly being violated in order to maintain an outdated social structure that only benefits big government and those who hold on to its coattails. Government interference in the everyday life of its citizens has caused personal choice issues to be fodder for empty political rhetoric. In all truth, under the US Constitution, the government has no right to legislate morality, and therefore has no place to tell Americans what they can do in the privacy of their own homes, businesses, or houses of worship.

Now, what laws are useless and unfair? Basically, any law that doesn't protect people from abuse or harm is useless. This includes many of our petty drug laws, abortion, gun control and same sex marriage issues. Resources, both intellectual and monetary, are wasted by our judicial system whenever these issues come to light. Not to mention these issues are often used as points of distraction when dealing with bigger problems, such as our failing economy and horrible world image. With that being said, no one is denying the need for the government to stop major gun traffickers, drug lords, and arrest violent criminals, but in trying to punish a minority group the majority is harmed in ways unimaginable, with tax payer dollars going towards punishing misdemeanor and low level felony offenders. Maybe if America's priority was making sure we had a safe society, as oppose to a moral one, the country would be in better shape.

this is my short rant, I'm going to do some research on things and post topics, but I just wanted the world to get the main point of what I'm talking about: individual liberty leads to national freedom, individual oppression will eventually lead us all to enslavement.


  1. You have deep thoughts on the oppression of minority groups and misdemeanor charges but invested little thought on the reason government has invested so much energy in the intervention of this country's people. Laziness, lack of direction, dependence, ignorance, and plain stupidity has lead the government to intefere with the privacy of individuals. Look at the welfare system and how much tax dollars support people who are fully capable of getting an education and supporting themselves but choose to depend solely on the government. Now on the flipside if government decided today to abort all aid of those who have the ability to take care of themselves what do you think would happen to the state of this country. It wouldn't force these people to be more responsible, now would it. I think that its hard not to perceive a certain group of people as destructive when majority of the group is "being destructive". The group has the responsibility to change governments perception and not the other way around. Behind prison doors who do you see? not jail doors, prison doors? In single family homes, who do you see? Behind burger king and churches chicken counters, who do you see? The list goes on and on.. and its not a BLACK thing but it is a cycle of poverty and ignorance embedded in our people that the only way to come in this society is to depend on petty crimes like misdemeanor drug charges and hopeless rape careers when the truth of the matter is the knowledge and energy taken to be successful in those careers is the same knowledge and energy it takes to be successful in a medical or political career. STOP SELLING YOURSELF SHORT AND YOUR SEED. Break the cycle that has lead to the injustices and discrimination. Truth be told government wants to interfere and intervene so much because we haven't proven ourself worthy nor responsible if enough to govern ourselves. Have we?? and not that have proven that they are the brightest but I do feel a little better knowing that this country isn't TRULY run by its people.

  2. I meant come up in this country.. and that should be hopeless rap careers...
